الكتب المعروضه فى معرض الرياض الدولى للكتاب
Transonic Aerodynamics: Problems in Asymptotic Theory
Geometric Design Projects for Highways
Fitzgerald & Kingsley's Electric Machinery
Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Delay-and Disruption-Tolerant Networking
High Voltage Engineering, 6th Edition
Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences (in SI Units)
Statistical Energy Analysis: An Overview, with Applications in Structural Dynamics Paperback – 21 Aug. 2008
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes
Biometric Authentication: A Machine Learning Approach (paperback)
Water Supply and Pollution Control: Pearson New International Edition
Soil, Plant and Atmosphere: Concepts, Processes and Applications
Ornamental Palm Horticulture
Process Development: Physicochemical Concepts
Hybrid Vehicles: and the Future of Personal Transportation
Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures
Elements of Electromagnetics