الكتب المعروضه فى معرض الرياض الدولى للكتاب
Iran's Strategic Thinking: The Evolution of Iran's Foreign Policy, 1979-2017
Political Reforms in Qatar: From Authoritarianism to Political Grey Zone (Gulf Studies at Gerlach Press)
Pocket Rough Guide Dubai (Rough Guide Pocket Dubai)
The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes (The Gulf Research Centre Book Series)
The Arab Spring: Ten Years on (Middle East and Islamic Studies at Gerlach Press)
Norms and Gender Discrimination in the Arab World
English Education in Oman: Current Scenarios and Future Trajectories: 15 (English Language Education)
City of Gold: Dubai and the Dream of Capitalism
MBS: The Rise to Power of Mohammed bin Salman
Arab Women's Activism and Socio-Political Transformation: Unfinished Gendered Revolutions
The Heritage of Oman: A Celebration in Photographs
Dubai Marco Polo Pocket Guide (Marco Polo Travel Guides)
Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia (Studies in International, Transnational and Global Communications)
North African Women after the Arab Spring: In the Eye of the Storm
Intercultural Communication with Arabs: Studies in Educational, Professional and Societal Contexts
EU Democracy Promotion and the Arab Spring: International Cooperation and Authoritarianism (Governance and Limited Statehood)
Sustainable Development: An Appraisal from the Gulf Region (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology)
Higher Education Governance in the Arab World: Exploring the Challenges of the Education Sector and Social Realities
Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf Region: Fifty Years of Transformation
United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy