الكتب المعروضه فى معرض الرياض الدولى للكتاب
Cases on Digital Strategies and Management Issues in Modern Organizations (Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage)
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Volume 13 (Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations)
Competing on Supply Chain Quality: A Network Economics Perspective (Springer Series in Supply Chain Management)
Research Handbook of Innovation and Creativity for Marketing Management
The Martech Handbook: Build a Technology Stack to Attract and Retain Customers
Marketing: An Introduction
On the Marketisation and Marketing of Higher Education(Key Issues in Marketing Management)
Customer Relationship Management
Statistics for Business and Economics: United States Edition
Mann's Introductory Statistics
Fancy Nancy: Express Yourself!: A Doodle and Draw Book
Mazecraft Adventure (Barron's Educational)
Usborne Book and Jigsaw Flags of the World
Early Learning Games: Snakes & Ladders
Disney Princess Princesses and Pumpkins
Cat Crafts (Kids Can Do It)
Children Just Like Me: Ultimate Sticker Book